
Would you like to make an appointment? Or do you have a question or a remark? We are happy to help you!
You can reach us by e-mail and telephone or visit us at our office in Beilen. The coffee is ready!
Voor de meeste vragen kunt u bij ons terecht via het algemene e-mailadres.
Wanneer u vragen heeft voor onze administratie of service en liever direct met deze specifieke afdeling in contact wilt komen, kunt u ook gebruik maken van één van de onderstaande emailadressen.

Contact us

Do you have a comment or question about disnet?
You can reach us by e-mail

Become a dealer of one or more of our brands? Submit a dealer request here

Contact by phone

You can also reach us via phone:

+31 (0)593 746010

Opening hours

Our office is open from:

From Monday to Friday,
from 9:00 till 17:00 hour (CET)


Disnet Distributors
Bathoorn 4b
9411 SE Beilen, Nederland


KvK Noord Nederland: 50392816
BTW nr: NL822714012B01


IBAN: NL73ABNA0583850006